Sunday, April 11, 2010

Back to reality....

I survived my first full week back at work after my 6 weeks of medical leave.  I was able to finish my time off with a day skiing with my brothers-in-law Matt, Michael, and Nick up at Solitude.  It was AWESOME with lots of fresh snow.  I gotta say It was bittersweet going back to work...On one hand, it will be nice getting a full paycheck, but on the other, I was getting quite comfortable being a stay-at-home husband ha ha.  It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be though, and I had a very nice welcoming when I went back. 

Natalie and I have been working on little projects of our own.  For starters, we (with the help of my Aunt Julie) officially became upholsters when we re-covered our kitchen chairs.  We are happy to say that we have now retired from this profession.  It was tough!  Natalie gets props because she definitely did the lion's share of the work on this.  Also, Natalie started an herb garden complete with cilantro, basil, and italian parsley.  It's been fun to watch it grow from nothing.  As for me, my project has been getting into shape.  I have been doing the P90X workouts combined with running/walking on the treadmill at the gym at our apartments.  In the past two weeks I've worked out every day except 2.  That is quite the record for me.  And, not to toot my own horn, I have doubled the amount of pullups I can do.... I CAN DO 2!!!  It's the little triumphs that keep us going, right?
It's going to be a busy month getting ready for Darren's wedding, Matt and Michael leaving on their missions, and our trip to Thailand.  I'm also getting signed up for some of my pre-med classes for the summer.

Life is good.  What more can I say?


  1. Wow, those chairs look awesome! Great job you guys! Sorry your time of being a stay at home husband is over! Hope you enjoyed it :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the chairs!! Way cute! I am very impressed! Nat has always been demestic. :) I didn't know Daren is getting Married! And what is this abou going to Thialand! WHAT!? Hope all is well. It was fun seeing you yesterday, and thanks for the ride home.
