Well, it's finally going to happen. After trying medication after medication, I am finally going to have surgery in hopes of crushing crohn's disease for a few years or more!
I was scheduled to meet with a surgeon in 2 weeks, and I got a call from their office saying that I could come in today if I wanted to. So, I picked up Natalie from work and we went to meet Dr. Kim. Upon arrival I found out that my GI specialist called Dr. Kim this morning and said that I can't wait 2 more weeks for something to happen and that he has tried all of the drugs in the book on me. So, Dr. Kim squeezed me in to his busy schedule to see what my best options would be.
He went over my most recent CT scan and actually showed me the pictures.... Normally they just go over what the radiologist found in their report. Well, he showed me where my small intestine connects to the large intestine, and it is about 3 times the size it should be due to the inflammation Crohn's has caused. So, he said that I am going to need surgery, the question is when. Both he and my GI doc felt that the sooner the better.
Dr. Kim happened to have some free time tomorrow, and said let's do it. So, tomorrow (thursday) I will be admitted to LDS hospital for surgery at 12:00 noon! They will be taking out the inflammed portion of my small intestine and connecting it all back together again. I'll be in the hospital about a week, and then have a few weeks of recovery after that.
Tonight, I got a blessing from Perry with brothers Darren, Michael, Rhett, and my pa-in-law Bill assisting, with Natalie, Mom, Morgan, Sal, Dezi, and ma-in-law Kristin there to support as well. It was an amazing blessing and it brought me a lot of comfort. I really feel good about having this operation, and I hope that it will finally bring me some relief from this lame disease. It's going to be a rough month or so, but I think that it will be worth it.
So, off I go to the hospital tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, yes, but mostly relieved. Natalie and I have been hoping for this after the months of medications and pain we've been through. It really is a blessing, and I am looking forward to a healthy future.
I'll be sure to keep ya'll posted. If you're in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by too! I'm not going anywhere :) Thank you for your prayers and support. Love you all!
Good luck Nate hope it all goes well.